链霉亲合素,英文名称:STREPTAVIDIN,等级:生物技术级,包装规格:5MG,CAS:9013-20-1 |
链霉亲合素,英文名称:STREPTAVIDIN,等级:生物技术级,包装规格:5MG,CAS:9013-20-1 E497 STREPTAVIDIN Grade:BIOTECHNOLOGY GRADE CAS Number: 9013-20-1Synonym(s): None Molecular Weight: N/AMolecular Formula: N/A Storage Condition: FROZEN CodeSizePriceQuantity E497-1MG E497-5MG A 60 kDa tetrameric protein that exhibits high binding affinity for biotin. Able to bind one molecule of biotin with each subunit, streptavidin is useful in affinity chromatography, ELISA, immunohistochemistry and Western Blotting.