LT07-703-Lonza LT07-703 MycoAlert™ PLUS 支原体检测试剂盒,30Tests-支原体检测试剂盒

MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit
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产品英文名称:MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit
产品中文名称:MycoAlert™ PLUS 支原体检测试剂盒

MycoAlert™ PLUS支原体检测试剂盒 产品介绍:
MycoAlert™ PLUS Assay是一种精选生物化学检测方法,用于检测细胞培养过程中的支原体污染问题。可以检测出所有6种支原体属,多达180种支原体。检测样品中的活性支原体裂解后,释放出的酶与MycoAlert™ PLUS Substrate反应,催化ADP转化为ATP。MycoAlert™ PLUS Reagent中荧光素酶作用下ATP产生的光信号。光信号可用光度计读出,根据第二次读数与*次读数比率可是确定是否存在支原体污染。比率<1, 支原体阴性,无支原体;1-1.2,不确定是否存在支原体,需重新检测;>1.2,支原体阳性,存在支原体污染。

• 使用方便:只需向细胞上清液样品中添加两种试剂,两次光度计读数
• 检测快速:20分钟就可得到检测结果,结果分析简单方便
• 通用性强:可检测所有常见的支原体污染(支原体属,无胆甾原体属和虫原体属,不包括脲原体属),适合使用试管光度计,板光度计和多功能读数器

MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit:
The MycoAlert™ PLUS Assay is a selective biochemical test that exploits the activity of mycoplasmal enzymes which are found in all six of the main mycoplasma cell culture contaminants and the vast majority of 180 mycoplasma species, but are not present in eukaryotic cells. Viable mycoplasma in a test sample (cell supernatant or fresh media or supplements) are lysed and the enzymes react with the MycoAlert™ PLUS Substrate, catalyzing the conversion of ADP to ATP. The ATP is then transferred into a light signal  via the luciferase enzyme in the MycoAlert™ PLUS Reagent. By measuring the level of ATP in a sample both before (read A) and after the addition of the MycoAlert™ PLUS Substrate (read B), a ratio can be obtained which is indicative of the presence or absence of mycoplasma.

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• LT07-703 MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit, 30Tests
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