ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)
保存温度:-20℃ 和 2~8℃

咨询:  (重庆) (贵阳)

Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)产品信息:

  • Product name:Anti-Clathrin heavy chain antibody
  • Description

    Rabbit polyclonal to Clathrin heavy chain

  • Tested applicationsWB, ICC/IF, IHC-P, Flow Cyt, IHC-FoFr, IP
  • Species reactivityReacts with: Mouse, Rat, Hamster, Human
    Predicted to work with: Chicken

    Does not react with

    African Green Monkey

  • Immunogen

    Synthetic peptide conjugated to KLH derived from within residues 1650 to the C-terminus of Human Clathrin heavy chain.

    (Peptide available as ab23440.)

  • Positive control
    • This antibody gave a positive signal in HeLa, Jurkat, A431 & NIH3T3 cells, as well as human kidney tissues sections.


  • FormLiquid
  • Storage instructionsStore at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks). Aliquot and store at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.
  • Storage bufferPreservative: 0.02% Sodium Azide
    Constituents: 1% BSA, PBS, pH 7.4
  • Concentration Batch dependent within range: 100 µg at 0.3 – 1 mg/ml
  • PurityImmunogen affinity purified
  • Clonality Polyclonal
  • IsotypeIgG
  • Research Areas
    • Signal Transduction
    • Protein Trafficking
    • Vesicle Transport
    • Coat Proteins
    • Tags & Cell Markers
    • Subcellular Markers
    • Organelles
    • Caveolae and Clathrin


Our Abpromise guarantee covers the use of ab21679 in the following tested applications.

The application notes include recommended starting dilutions; optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.

Application Notes
WB WB: Use a concentration of 1 µg/ml. Detects a band of approximay 180 kDa (predicted molecular weight: 180 kDa).Can be blocked with Human Clathrin heavy chain peptide (ab23440).
ICC/IF ICC/IF: Use a concentration of 1 µg/ml.
IHC-P IHC-P: Use at an assay dependent concentration.
Flow Cyt Flow Cyt: Use at an assay dependent concentration.
IHC-FoFr IHC-FoFr: Use at an assay dependent dilution. PubMed: 18852301
IP IP: Use at an assay dependent concentration.


  • FunctionClathrin is the major protein of the polyhedral coat of coated pits and vesicles. Two different adapter protein complexes link the clathrin lattice either to the plasma membrane or to the trans-Golgi network.
  • Sequence similaritiesBelongs to the clathrin heavy chain family.
  • Cellular localizationCytoplasmic vesicle membrane. Membrane > coated pit. Melanosome. Cytoplasmic face of coated pits and vesicles. Identified by mass spectrometry in melanosome fractions from stage I to stage IV.
  • Information by UniProt
  • Database links

    • Entrez Gene: 1213 Human
    • Entrez Gene: 67300 Mouse
    • Entrez Gene: 54241 Rat
    • Omim: 118955 Human
    • SwissProt: P53675 Human
    • SwissProt: Q00610 Human
    • SwissProt: Q68FD5 Mouse
    • SwissProt: P11442 Rat
  • Alternative names

    • CHC17 antibody
    • Clathrin heavy chain 1 antibody
    • Clathrin heavy chain 2 antibody

Anti-Clathrin heavy chain antibody images

  • ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

    Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence – Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679)

    ICC/IF image of ab21679 stained human HeLa cells. The cells were methanol fixed (5 min) and incubated with the antibody (ab21679, 1µg/ml) for 1h at room temperature. The secondary antibody (green) was Alexa Fluor® 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) used at a 1/1000 dilution for 1h. Image-iTTM FX Signal Enhancer was used as the primary blocking agent, 5% BSA (in TBS-T) was used for all other blocking steps. DAPI was used to stain the cell nuclei (blue). Alexa Fluor® 594 WGA was used to label plasma membranes (red).

  • ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

    Western blot – Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679)

    All lanes : Anti-Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679) at 1 µg/ml

    Lane 1 : HeLa (Human epithelial carcinoma cell line) Whole Cell Lysate (ab27252)
    Lane 2 : Jurkat (Human T cell lymphoblast-like cell line) Whole Cell Lysate (ab7899)
    Lane 3 : A431 (Human epithelial carcinoma cell line) Whole Cell Lysate (ab7909)
    Lane 4 : NIH 3T3 (Mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line) Cytoplasmic lysate (ab14873)

    Lysates/proteins at 20 µg per lane.

    Goat polyclonal to Rabbit IgG (Alexa Fluor® 680 at 1/15000 dilution

    Predicted band size : 180 kDa
    Observed band size : 180 kDa

  • ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

    Immunoprecipitation – Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679)This image is courtesy of an anonymous Abreview

    ab21679 immunoprecipitating clathrin heavy chain from human HeLa S3 whole cell lysate (20ug). A protein A matrix was used with the antibody at a concentration of 4ug/mg of lysate. ab21679 was further used in the western blot stage at a dilution of 1/250. The image shows:

    Lane 1: Clathrin IP (ab21679)

    Lane 2: Control IP

    Lane 3: Input (10%)

  • ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

    Immunoprecipitation – Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679)This image is courtesy of an anonymous Abreview

    ab21679 immunoprecipitating clathrin heavy chain from rat PC12 whole cell lysate (20ug). A protein A matrix was used with the antibody at a concentration of 4ug/mg of lysate. ab21679 was further used in the western blot stage at a dilution of 1/250. The image shows:

    Lane 1: Clathrin IP (ab21679)

    Lane 2: Control IP

    Lane 3: Input (10%)

  • ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

    Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections) – Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679)

    Image courtesy of Human Protein Atlas

    ab21679 staining Clathrin heavy chain in human kidney. Paraffin embedded human (male) kidney tissue was incubated with ab21679 (1/7000 dilution) for 30 mins at room temperature. Antigen retrieval was performed by heat induction in citrate buffer pH 6. ab21679 was tested in a tissue microarray (TMA) containing a wide range of normal and cancer tissues as well as a cell microarray consisting of a range of commonly used, well characterised human cell lines.

  • ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

    Flow Cytometry – Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679)This image is a courtesy of Anonymous Abreview

    ab21679 staining Clathrin heavy chain in mouse embryonic fibroblast cells by Flow Cytometery. Samples were prepared by homogenization and centrifugation in trypsin and they were washed in PBS. Cells were fixed in 70% 40C ethanol and cell population was gated on Non-junk by FSC/SSC. The primary antibody was diluted 1/2000 in 1% BSA/PBS and incubated with sample for 1 hour at 22°C. An Alexa Fuor 488 conjugated goat polyclonal to rabbit IgG (H&L) was used as secondary antibody at dilution at 1/500.

  • ab21679-Anti-Clathrin heavy chain 抗体 (ab21679)-抗体/抗原

    Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence – Clathrin heavy chain antibody (ab21679)This image is a courtesy of Anonymous Abreview

    ab21679 staining Clathrin heavy chain in mouse embryonic fibroblasts by Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence. Cells were fixed with paraformaldehyde and permeabilized with -200C ethanol. Samples were incubated with primary antibody at 1/500 dilution (in 0.1%Saponin/1% BSA/PBS) for 1 hour. An Alexa Fluor®546-conjugated goat polyclonal to rabbit IgG (H+L) was used as secondary antibody at 1/500 dilution. Green color in image show positive staining with Alexa Fluor®546 conjugated secondary.


    Abcam位于英国的剑桥科学园,成立于1998年,专门生产和分销研究型抗体。主要创立人Jonathan Milner和实验室同事构思成立一间了解科研人员需要的网上抗体公司,理念是Abcam销售质量高的抗体,并提供zui全面、诚实、时新的说明书,快速的送货服务,及高效率的顾客和服务。我们的在线目录(www.hystemcell.cn) 已有差不多100,000种抗体和试剂,并不断添加,供应予全球百多个国家。Abcam200511月在伦敦证券交易所上市,在美国马萨诸塞州、日本东京及香港均设有分公司。

    Abcam 一直致力加强产品线,为使研究员更容易找到蛋白质研究试剂产品,在2011并购了美国的MitoSciences公司,加强了免疫分析方面的产品供应;同年也并购了英国的Ascent Scientific 公司,开展了生化试剂的供应。在2012年,Abcam并购了美国的Epitomics 公司,成为一家有领导地位的RabMAbs® 供应商。

    Abcam 的 目标是给世界上zui好的抗体建立zui大的在线目录,为各地科学家提供尖端产品,成为各国科学界的重要伙伴。我们为所有产品提供来使客户获得预期的结 果。为提供高质量的抗体来指向尽可能多的靶蛋白,我们尽所能在尽可能多的应用和物种中检测每种抗体。我们相信诚信才是上策,在我们的上会发布有关我们 每一种产品的尽可能多的信息。


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