TAKARA Cellartis®iPS移植后人细胞检测抗体

热烈祝贺生物成为TAKARA Cellartis®干细胞研究产品的全国代理商
TAKARA Cellartis®干细胞研究产品研发团队上百人,凭借20多年干细胞以及相关培养基研发经验,研发并上市干细胞研究相关的多种产品,包括干细胞培养基,IPS干细胞系,干细胞分化细胞以及培养基,干细胞检测抗体等;产品品种丰富,高端品质保证,具有配方和独特的产品特质.

(Antibodies for Detecting Human Cells Transplanted into Mice and Rats)
■ 产品特点
· STEM101 reacts specifically with the nuclear human Ku80 protein; the antibody does not cross-react with mouse 
   or rat Ku80 in brain tissue or cell extracts 
· STEM121 reacts with a human cytoplasmic protein expressed in brain, liver, pancreas, and CNS cells 
   the antibody does not cross-react with brain tissue or cell extracts from mouse, rat, or cynomologous monkey
· STEM123 reacts specifically with human GFAP, a marker of astroglial cells; the antibody does not cross-react 
   with brain tissue or cell extracts from mouse or rat
■ 产品应用
· Localization, quantification, and/or characterization of engrafted cells of human origin by immunohistochemistry 
   and immunofluorescence
Code No. Product Size
Y40400 STEM101® 50 μg
Y40410 STEM121® 50 μg
Y40420 STEM123® 50 μg

■ 产品详情

TAKARA Cellartis®iPS移植后人细胞检测抗体
STEM101 detects nuclei of transplanted human neural stem cells in the olfactory bulb of a mouse brain.
TAKARA Cellartis®iPS移植后人细胞检测抗体
STEM121 detects migration and differentiation of transplanted human neural stem cells in the hippocampus of a mouse brain.
TAKARA Cellartis®iPS移植后人细胞检测抗体
STEM123 detects human GFAP+ astrocytes differentiated from human neural stem cells after transplantation into a mouse brain.
1. Cummings BJ, et al. (2005) Human neural stem cells differentiate and promote locomotor recovery in spinal 
    cord-injured mice. PNAS 102: 14069-14074.
2. Guzman R, et al. (2007) Long-term monitoring of transplanted human neural stem cells in developmental and 
    pathological contexts with MRI. PNAS 104: 10211-10216.
3. Tamaki SJ, et al. (2009) Neuroprotection of Host Cells by Human Central Nervous System Stem Cells in a Mouse 
    Model of Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis. Cell Stem Cell 5:310-319.
4. Salazar DL, et al. (2010) Human Neural Stem Cells Differentiate and Promote Locomotor Recovery in an Early 
    Chronic Spinal Cord Injury NOD-scid Mouse Model. PLoS ONE 5: e12272.
5. Kelly S, et al. Transplanted human fetal neural stem cells survive, migrate, and differentiate in ischemic rat