干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Clontech 631965 Pluripotency Check PCR Kit Each ¥9,630 干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check 干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check 干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check
Clontech 631966 Pluripotency Check PCR Primer Set 16 x 25 Rxns ¥5,306 干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check 干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check 干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check
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(Stem Cell Pluripotency Status Check Kit with PCR Primers)
The Pluripotency Check PCR Kit用来通过PCR方法监控在发育多能性方面有关键作用的基因,从而判断小鼠胚胎干细胞或是iPS是否真实具有干细胞多能性(pluripotency)。本产品覆盖16个基因,包括9个在真实干细胞中表达的基因和2个内参基因。客户可以灵活决定使用哪些基因进行实际检测。本产品可以鉴别关键基因的表达是内源性的(endogenous expression)还是外源性的(exogenous expression)。
■ Pluripotency Check PCR Primers
Primer set Amplicon size Primer set Amplicon size
Oct3/4 (Total) 485 bp Klf4 739 bp
Oct3/4 (Endogenous) 224 bp Klf4 (Endogenous) 206 bp
Nanog (Total) 364 bp Ecat1 164 bp
Nanog (Endogenous) 223 bp ERas1 210 bp
Sox2 (Total) 193 bp Esg1 376 bp
Sox2 (Endogenous) 297 bp Rex1 287 bp
c-Myc (Total) 228 bp Beta-Actin (Control) 603 bp
c-Myc (Endogenous) 170 bp GAPDH (Control) 568 bp
■ 产品特点
Validate the pluripotent status of your stem cell or iPS cell culture using a simple PCR kit
· 16 prevalidated PCR primer mixes
· Complete kit with RNA extraction, reverse transcription, and PCR reagents
· Confirm your iPS cells by differentiating between endogenous and exogenous gene expression
■ 产品应用
· Validating mouse embryonic stem cell status
· Confirming iPS status
Code No. Product Size
631965 Pluripotency Check PCR Kit Each
631966 Pluripotency Check PCR Primer Set 16 × 25 Rxns
■ 产品详情请点击:干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check
干细胞多能性评估PCR试剂盒Pluripotency Check
Confirming the pluripotent status of an  mES culture. Total RNA was extracted from ES-E14TG2a mouse embryonic stem cells (mES), followed by cDNA synthesis and amplification according to the protocol outlined in PT5086-2. M: 100 bp DNA Marker. Lane1, Total Oct3/4. Lane 2: Endogenous Oct3/4. Lane 3: Total Nanog. Lane 4: Endogenous Nanog. Lane 5: Total c-Myc. Lane 6: Endogenous c-Myc. Lane 7: Total Sox2. Lane 8: Endogenous Sox2. Lane 9: Total Klf4. Lane 10: Ecat1. Lane 11: ERas. Lane 12: Esg1. Lane 13: Rex1. Lane 14: GAPDH (control). Lane 15: Beta-Actin (control). Endogenous Klf4, data not shown.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:59:51