Phenelzine sulfate;苯基乙肼硫酸盐

Phenelzine sulfate;苯基乙肼硫酸盐



Phenelzine sulfate;苯基乙肼硫酸盐

MDL MFCD00050687
EC EINECS 205-856-0
InChI InChI=1S/C8H12N2.H2O4S/c9-10-7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8;1-5(2,3)4/h1-5,10H,6-7,9H2;(H2,1,2,3,4)
PubChem CID 61100
别名 硫酸苯乙肼;2-phenylethylhydrazine,sulfuricacid
英文名称 Phenelzine sulfate
CAS 156-51-4
分子式 C8H14N2O4S
分子量 234.27
纯度 ≥98%
靶点 MAO(Monoamine Oxidase)
规格 50mg 100mg 500mg
Phenelzine硫酸盐是一种非选择性和不可逆的单胺氧化酶抑制剂 (MAOI), 用于抗抑郁药和抗焦虑药方向的而研究。

Glucosamine sulfate;硫酸氨基葡萄糖

Glucosamine sulfate;硫酸氨基葡萄糖



Glucosamine sulfate;硫酸氨基葡萄糖

MDL MFCD00080790
EC EINECS 249-379-6
别名 D-GlucosamineSulfateSalt
英文名称 Glucosamine sulfate
CAS 29031-19-4
分子式 C6H13NO5·H2SO4
分子量 277.25
纯度 HPLC≥98%
SMILES O=C[C@H](N)[C@H]([C@@H]([C@@H](CO)O)O)O.O=S(O)(O)=O.[x]
靶点 Others
规格 20mg 10mM*1mL in Water 50mg 100mg


Paromomycin (sulfate) 硫酸巴龙霉素

Paromomycin (sulfate) 硫酸巴龙霉素



Paromomycin (sulfate)  硫酸巴龙霉素

MDL MFCD00079278
EC EINECS 215-031-7
别名 巴龙霉素硫酸盐; Paromomycin sulfate salt
CAS 1263-89-4
分子式 C23H47N5O18S
分子量 713.71
纯度 HPLC≥94%
SMILES N[C@@H](C[C@H]1N)[C@@]([C@@H]([C@H]1O)O[C@@](O[C@H](CO)[C@H]2O[C@@]([C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@@H]3O)N)([H])O[C@H]3CN)([H])[C@@H]2O)([H])O[C@H]([C@@H]([C@@H](O)[C@@H]4O)N)O[C@@H]4CO.O=S(O)(O)=O
靶点 Parasite
规格 50mg 10mM*1mL in Water 100mg







EC EINECS 600-864-4
MDL MFCD00058314
别名 G 418 disulfate salt; G418 Sulfate
英文名称 G-418 Sulfate
CAS 108321-42-2
分子式 C20H44N4O18S2
分子量 692.71
纯度 ≥98%
生物活性 G-418 disulfate 是与 gentamicin B1 的结构相似的氨基糖苷类抗生素,在原核和真核细胞的蛋白质合成过程中,能够阻止蛋白质的延伸阶段,从而抑制蛋白质的合成[1-3]。
In Vitro G418是许多原核和真核生物的抑制剂,浓度为1-300微克/毫升。由编码氨基糖苷类3′-磷酸转移酶的Tn5的neo基因对G418的抗性,APT 3’II通常用于实验室研究以选择基因工程细胞[1]。通常,对于细菌和藻类,使用5mg/L或更低的浓度,对于哺乳动物细胞,使用约400mg/L的浓度进行选择,使用200mg/L进行维持。抗性克隆的选择可能需要1到3周[2]。
In Vivo 连续三天G418(40和80 mg/kg)足以消除感染小鼠中所有未转染的布氏疱疹病毒寄生虫[3]。
SMILES O[C@@H]1[C@@H]([C@H](O)C)O[C@H](O[C@H]2[C@H](O)[C@@H](O[C@@H]3[C@H](O)[C@@H](NC)[C@@](C)(O)CO3)[C@H](N)C[C@@H]2N)[C@H](N)[C@H]1O.O=S(O)(O)=O.O=S(O)(O)=O
靶点 Bacterial
动物实验 为了表征锥虫群体对G418体内的敏感性,布氏布鲁氏菌GUTat 3.1和布氏布鲁氏菌GUTat 3.1/BBR3的血流形式在亚致死辐射的小鼠中分别扩增。在寄生虫血症的第一个峰之前,收集锥虫,并将含有106个锥虫的等分试样腹膜内接种到小鼠中。感染后24小时,将小鼠分成组,并通过腹膜内接种0.2mL药物,以10,20,30,40,50或80mg/kg体重(bw)的剂量用G418处理。在无菌水中。在第一次治疗后24和48小时,以与之前相同的剂量向每组动物施用G418,导致每只小鼠进行三次处理。需要重复药物治疗以确保从小鼠中完全消除未转染的GUTat 3.1寄生虫。然后通过显微镜检查湿血膜每天监测小鼠33天,以检测寄生虫的存在。记录发现寄生虫的动物,然后从实验中取出。
数据来源文献 [1]. Davies J, et al. A new selective agent for eukaryotic cloning vectors. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1980 Sep;29(5 Suppl):1089-92.
[2]. Li Y, et al. Inhibitory effects of antisense RNA of HAb18G/CD147 on invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro. World J Gastroenterol. 2003 Oct;9(10):2174-7.
[3]. Murphy NB, et al. Use of an in vivo system to determine the G418 resistance phenotype of bloodstream-form Trypanosoma brucei brucei transfectants. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1993 May;37(5):1167-70.
规格 100mg 500mg 10mM*1mL (in Water) 1g



In Vitro

Cell(HepG2.2.15 cells,380 µg/mL G-418 sulfate

Cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM; Jinpan) and supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS).G-418 sulfate (380 µg/mL; Jinpan) was added to DMEM with 10% FBS to maintain HepG2.2.15 cells. All cells were incubated at 37°C with 5% CO2.

来源文献:Guo C, Ouyang Y, Cai J, Xiong L, Chen Y, Zeng X, Liu A. High expression of IL-4R enhances proliferation and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Int J Biol Markers. 2017 Oct 31;32(4):e384-e390. doi: 10.5301/ijbm.5000280. PMID: 28665449.

Cell((HepG2.2.15 cells,300 µg/mL G-418 )

HepG2.2.15 cells were incubated in minimum Eagle’s medium containing 10% FBS and 300 µg/mL G418 (Jinpan, Beijing, China). 

来源文献:Jiang W, Wang L, Zhang Y, Li H. Circ-ATP5H Induces Hepatitis B Virus Replication and Expression by Regulating miR-138-5p/TNFAIP3 Axis. Cancer Manag Res. 2020 Nov 2;12:11031-11040. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S272983. PMID: 33173336; PMCID: PMC7648158.

Cell(OC cells,800 μg/mL  G418

PCNP expression plasmid and empty vector, the PCNP shRNA (sh-PCNP group) and scramble shRNA (sh-Scb group) and were transfected into OC cells with Lipofectamine 3000 Transfection Reagent to construct stable cell lines. They were screened, respectively, by G418 (Jinpan, Shanghai, China) at a concentration  of 800 μg/mL and puromycin (Jinpan, Shanghai, China) at a concentration of 2 μg/mL. 

来源文献:Dong P, Fu H, Chen L, Zhang S, Zhang X, Li H, Wu D, Ji X. PCNP promotes ovarian cancer progression by accelerating β-catenin nuclear accumulation and triggering EMT transition. J Cell Mol Med. 2020 Jul;24(14):8221-8235. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.15491. Epub 2020 Jun 16. PMID: 32548978; PMCID: PMC7348179.

Cell(Replicon cell ,500 μg/ml G418

Replicon cell lines were selected and maintained in 500 μg/ml G418 (Geneticin; Jinpan, China). 

来源文献:Sobhanimonfared F, Bamdad T, Roohvand F. Cross talk between alcohol-induced oxidative stress and HCV replication. Arch Microbiol. 2020 Sep;202(7):1889-1898. doi: 10.1007/s00203-020-01909-9. Epub 2020 May 24. PMID: 32448963.

Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)

Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)



Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)


Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)

Yang S, et al. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Sep 8;2020:7483278. control group (control), bleomycin group (model), bleomycin + prednisone acetate group (positive), and bleomycin + Bufei decoction (treatment).

Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)

Yang S, et al. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Sep 8;2020:7483278. control group (control), bleomycin group (model), bleomycin + prednisone acetate group (positive), and bleomycin + Bufei decoction (treatment).

Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)

Yang S, et al. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Sep 8;2020:7483278. control group (control), bleomycin group (model), bleomycin + prednisone acetate group (positive), and bleomycin + Bufei decoction (treatment).

Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)

Yang S, et al. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Sep 8;2020:7483278. control group (control), bleomycin group (model), bleomycin + prednisone acetate group (positive), and bleomycin + Bufei decoction (treatment).

Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)

Yang S, et al. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Sep 8;2020:7483278. control group (control), bleomycin group (model), bleomycin + prednisone acetate group (positive), and bleomycin + Bufei decoction (treatment).

Bleomycin Sulfate (mixture)

来源文献:Yang S, et al. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Sep 8;2020:7483278. control group (control), bleomycin group (model), bleomycin + prednisone acetate group (positive), and bleomycin + Bufei decoction (treatment).
别名 博来霉素;争光霉素;奈拉滨;Blenmycins,硫酸博来霉素
CAS 9041-93-4/11056-06-7
分子式 A2:C55H85N17O25S4 B2:C55H84N20O21S2
分子量 A2:1512.62 B2:1425.51 3
储存条件 2-8°C
纯度 1.5-2.0U/mg
生物活性 Bleomycin sulfate是具有有效抗肿瘤活性的DNA合成抑制剂。博莱霉素(BLM)被选为人淋巴细胞中研究最好的微核(MN)诱导剂,具有不同的遗传毒性机制。最常见的博来霉素诱导的DNA损伤是单链和双链断裂和单个apuinic / apyrimidinic位点。同时博来霉素是真正的放射性模拟化合物,几乎完全类似于电离辐射的遗传效应。[1-4]
In Vitro 硫酸博来霉素对UT-SCC-19A细胞系的IC50值为4.0±1.3nM。 UT-SCC-12A和UT-SCC-12B对博来霉素(BLM)更具抗性; IC50值分别为14.2±2.8 nM和13.0±1.1 nM [2]。与对照培养物相比,博来霉素(BLM)诱导异常细胞(即,显示至少一种像差的细胞)的百分比和每个细胞的染色体畸变频率显着增加(p <0.05)[3]。
In Vivo 与博来霉素(In-111-BLMC)组合的短程β发射放射性核素是SCC中的肿瘤靶向剂。在35天内,裸鼠体重增加2.8±0.6g。在肿瘤接种后25和35天,肿瘤体积分别为111±51mm 3和874±577mm 3。计算的倍增时间为3.86±0.76天。 SCC细胞系表现出对博来霉素的不同敏感性。我们的SCC肿瘤异种移植模型显示适合使用In-111-BLMC的放射化学治疗研究的快速生长。 In-111-BLMC在体内的摄取与增殖活性成正比,并且可以通过动物模型剂量计算预测具有高结合能力的肿瘤[2]。在博来霉素(BLM)处理后第7天和第14天,TGF-β1的信号显著强于对照组。在治疗后28天,TGF-β1信号稍微变弱。在博来霉素加Dex组的第7天和第14天,TGF-β1的信号也强于对照组。然而,在第28天,TGF-β1信号变弱并且比对照组的水平稍强。通过比较平均IOD值[4]给出所有结果。
靶点 DNA/RNA Synthesis chemical
动物实验 将小鼠[4]将60只CD-1小鼠随机分成以下3组(每组n = 20):盐水;博莱霉素 – 水;博来霉素加地塞米松(Dex)。盐水组中的小鼠气管内注射2mL/kg盐水;其他患者气管内注射博来霉素(5 mg/kg,2 mL/kg,生理盐水)。在博来霉素处理后24小时,通过管饲法给予小鼠0.45mg/kg /天DEX。用博来霉素或盐水气管内注射的那天指定为第0天。
细胞实验 ADIPO-P2细胞在补充有20%胎牛血清,青霉素(100U/mL)和链霉素(100μg/ mL)的D-MEM高葡萄糖培养基中于37℃和5%CO 2气氛中生长。在含有1.5×10 5个细胞/ mL的TC25 Corning烧瓶中将细胞培养为单层。对于每个实验,设置两个烧瓶,一个用于对照,一个用于处理的培养物。在生长的对数期期间,用30分钟的2.5μg/ mL博来霉素(溶于无菌0.9%NaCl)脉冲处理ADIPO-P2细胞。对照培养物平行设置但不暴露于博来霉素。在用博来霉素进行脉冲处理结束时,用Hank’s平衡盐溶液洗涤细胞两次,并用新鲜培养基保持培养直至收获。在5次传代或处理后的传代培养期间,细胞连续维持在培养物中。每当培养物汇合时(大约4×10 5个细胞/ mL培养基)进行亚培养。为了估计细胞生长,在传代培养时通过胰蛋白酶消化收集细胞,用0.4%台盼蓝染色约200μL的等分试样,并测定活细胞(未染色的细胞)的数量[3]。
数据来源文献 [1]. Hovhannisyan G, et al. Comparative analysis of individual chromosome involvement in micronuclei induced by mitomycin C and bleomycin in human leukocytes. Mol Cytogenet. 2016 Jun 21;9:49.
[2]. Jaaskela-Saari HA, et al. Squamous cell cancer cell lines: sensitivity to bleomycin and suitability for animal xenograft studies. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1997;529:241-4.
[3]. Paviolo NS, et al. Telomere instability is present in the progeny of mammalian cells exposed to bleomycin. Mutat Res. 2012 Jun 1;734(1-2):5-11.
[4]. Shi K, et al. Dexamethasone attenuates bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis in mice through TGF-β, Smad3 and JAK-STAT pathway. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014 Sep 15;7(9):2645-50.
规格 10mg 20mg




文章:Bufei Decoction Alleviated Bleomycin-Induced Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice by Anti-Inflammation

作者:Shanjun Yang 1Wenwen Cui 2Mingye Wang 2Luming Xing 1Yue Wang 1Pengyu Zhu 1Qisheng Qu 1Qiang Tang 1


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the mechanistic action and therapeutic effects of Bufei decoction on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) after inhalation of bleomycin.

Methods: Pulmonary fibrosis model in mice was prepared by atomization inhalation of bleomycin. Then, the mice were randomly divided into five groups (control group, model group, positive group, and treatment group) and administrated the drugs for 4 weeks. H&E and Masson's staining of lung tissues were used to observe the morphological changes and deposition of fibers, and the degree of fibrosis was evaluated by hydroxyproline content. The expression and activation of NF-κB were determined by western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The infiltration of macrophages was detected by immunostaining of CD45 and F4/80 in lung tissues.

Results: In mouse IPF, Bufei decoction alleviated the pathological changes and the deposition of fibrosis by decreasing the content of hydroxyproline of lung tissues. The antipulmonary fibrosis might rely on the effects of preventing the infiltration of inflammatory cells and inhibiting the expression and activation of NF-κB in lung tissue.

Conclusion: Bufei decoction improved the process of pulmonary fibrosis by regulating the activation and expression of the NF-κB signal transduction pathway, which provided a therapeutic option for IPF patients.

In vivo

Mice(male ICR mice, aged 8–12 weeks,weighting 18–22 g;雾化吸入,5 g/L(50%)博来霉素稀释液,3 小时 15 分钟,休息 7 次,每次 5 分钟

The pulmonary fibrosis model in mice was prepared by atomization inhalation of bleomycin. When the mice were awake, they were put into a transparent plexiglass box with 30 cm × 30 cm × 20 cm connected with the atomizer and atomized 5 g/L (50%) bleomycin diluent was sprayed into the box through the atomizer tube. Three to four mice were put in the box at a time and exposed to bleomycin for a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes of bleomycin inhalation separated by 7 sessions of 5 minutes of rest. In the control group, mice received saline as a replacement for bleomycin inhalation [4, 18]. On the second day after modeling, all mice except those in the control group and model group were orally treated with saline, and the mice in the positive group and treatment group were continuously administrated with prednisone acetate (at a dose of 0.0064 mg/g) or Bufei decoction (at a dose of 1.235 mg/g) for 4 weeks.

Chondroitin sulfate;硫酸软骨素

Chondroitin sulfate;硫酸软骨素



Chondroitin sulfate;硫酸软骨素

EC EINECS 232-696-9
MDL MFCD00146419
InChI InChI=1S/C13H21NO15S/c1-2(15)14-3-8(7(19)13(28-11(3)22)29-30(23,24)25)26-12-6(18)4(16)5(17)9(27-12)10(20)21/h3-9,11-13,16-19,22H,1H3,(H,14,15)(H,20,21)(H,23,24,25)/t3-,4+,5+,6-,7-,8-,9+,11-,12-,13-/m1/s1
PubChem CID 24766
别名 鲨鱼软骨素;Cholyltaurine
英文名称 Chondroitin sulfate
CAS 9007-28-7
分子式 (C14H21NO14S)n
纯度 HPLC≥98%
生物活性 Chondroitin sulfate, one of five classes of glycosaminoglycans, has been widely used in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Chondroitin sulfate reduces inflammation mediators and the apoptotic process and is able to reduce protein production of inflammatory cytokines, iNOS and MMPs.[1-5]
In Vitro Chondroitin sulfate reduces inflammation mediators and the apoptotic process and is able to reduce protein production of inflammatory cytokines, iNOS, MMPs[4].Chondroitin sulfate occurs naturally in the extracellular matrix of connective tissues, e.g., bone, cartilage, skin, ligaments and tendons. Chondroitin sulfate has been shown to elicit a range of beneficial effects: anti-inflammatory effects, an increase in type II collagen and proteoglycans, a reduction in bone resorption and a better anabolic/catabolic balance in chondrocytes[2]. A large range of chondroitin sulfate concentrations has been used (e.g. 12.5 to 2000 mg/mL, but generally less than200 mg/mL) in in vitro studies. Chondroitin sulfate (200 mg/mL) decreases the chondrocyte susceptibility to single nucleotide polymorphism-induced apoptosis[3]. Chondroitin sulfate is a class of sulfated glycosaminoglycans that are linear polysaccharides consisting of repeating disaccharide units composed of uronic acid and N-acetylhexosamine. Several pathogens including parasites, bacteria, and viruses have been shown to utilize cell surface chondroitin sulfate chains to attach to and infect host cells[1].
In Vivo Chondroitin sulfate is mostly administered orally at doses ranging from 800 to 1200mg/day. Chondroitin sulfate is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. The absorbed chondroitin sulfate reaches the blood compartment as 10% chondroitin sulfate and 90% depolymerized low-molecular-weight derivatives[5].The high content of chondroitin sulfate in the aggrecan plays a major part in allowing cartilage to resist tensile stresses during various loading conditions by providing this tissue with resistance and elasticity. It has been shown that chondroitin sulphate interferes with the progression of structural changes in joint tissues and is used in the management of patients with osteoarthritis[3].
SMILES O=S(O)=O.O=S(O)=O.OC([C@@H]1[C@@H](OC)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O[C@@H]2[C@@H](NC(C)=O)[C@H](OC)O[C@H](CO[R])[C@@H]2O[R])O1)=O.[R].[R].[=].[=].[R2=].[R1=].[n].[or]
靶点 NO Synthase
细胞实验 Chondrocytes are cultured into six-well culture plates. 12 hours after plating, the culture medium is replaced with 2.0 mL of fresh medium containing LPS at a concentration of 50 mg/mL. 4 hours later, HA, Chondroitin sulfate, HS, keratan sulphate and DS are added separately to each of the wells at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mg/mL. The number of viable chondrocytes is then quantified by trypan blue dye exclusion test from several randomly chosen areas of each well[4].
数据来源文献 [1]. Mikami T, et al. Biosynthesis and function of chondroitin sulfate. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Oct;1830(10):4719-33.

[2]. Martel-Pelletier J, et al.Discrepancies in composition and biological effects of different formulations of chondroitin sulfate. Molecules. 2015 Mar 6;20(3):4277-89.

[3]. Monfort J, et al. Biochemical basis of the effect of chondroitin sulphate on osteoarthritis articular tissues. Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Jun;67(6):735-40.

[4]. Campo GM, et al. Glycosaminoglycans modulate inflammation and apoptosis in LPS-treated chondrocytes. J Cell Biochem. 2009 Jan 1;106(1):83-92.

[5]. Henrotin Y, et al. Chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis: from in vitro studies to clinicalrecommendations. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2010 Dec;2(6):335-48.

规格 100mg 10mM*1mL in Water 500mg


硫酸链霉素Streptomycin Sulfate

硫酸链霉素Streptomycin Sulfate




别名:链霉素硫酸盐,Streptomycin Sulfate
分子式:(C21H39N7O12)2 · 3H2SO4
活力:min. 720 I.U./mg
有效期:4 年

货号 BS142-25g
规格 25g
品牌 Biosharp
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有效期 2年
EC EINECS 219-617-3
MDL MFCD00013109
别名 鲱精胺硫酸盐;胍基丁胺硫酸盐
英文名称 Agmatine Sulfate
CAS 2482-00-0
分子式 C5H14N4·H2SO4
分子量 228.27
储存条件 2-8℃
纯度 ≥98%
外观(性状) White to off-white (Solid)
生物活性 Agmatine sulfate在多个靶点上发挥调节作用,如神经递质系统,离子通道,一氧化氮合成。它是 imidazoline receptor 的内源性激动剂和 NO synthase 抑制剂。[1-7]
In Vitro 胍丁胺与α2-肾上腺素能和咪唑啉受体结合,并刺激肾上腺嗜铬细胞释放儿茶酚胺。其生物合成酶精氨酸脱羧酶存在于脑中。局部合成的胍丁胺是咪唑啉受体的内源性激动剂,是α2-肾上腺素能受体的非儿茶酚胺配体,可作为神经递质[1]。胍丁胺在大脑中合成,储存在区域选择性神经元的突触小泡中,通过摄取积累,通过去极化释放,并通过农杆菌酶灭活。胍丁胺抑制一氧化氮合酶,并诱导一些肽激素的释放[2]。胍丁胺4-(氨基丁基)胍是通过酶精氨酸脱羧酶使L-精氨酸脱羧而产生的。胍丁胺是所有NOS同工酶的竞争性抑制剂,但不是NO前体。 Ki值约为660μM(NOS I),220μM(NOS II)和7.5 mM(NOS III)[3]。胍丁胺刺激亚硝酸盐产生比内皮细胞形成的基础亚硝酸盐高三倍。胍丁胺从内皮细胞膜中置换[3H] – 脱氮嗪,并且发现其诱导内皮细胞的胞质钙中的瞬变。通过反复接触胍丁胺可以下调瞬变,但不受去甲肾上腺素预处理的影响[4]。
In Vivo 当在强迫游泳测试和小鼠尾部悬浮试验(剂量范围0.01-50mg / kg,ip)中评估时,胍丁胺产生类似抗抑郁药的效果,而没有伴随开放场中移动的变化[5]。在缺血性中风中,胍丁胺可以保护血脑屏障,可以通过使用动态对比增强磁共振成像定量渗透性来体内监测[6]。胍丁胺大大增强了MK-801的抗抑郁样作用,强化了这种化合物调节NMDA受体激活的观点[7]。
靶点 Imidazoline Receptor,NO Synthase
动物实验 大鼠:将34只雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠进行瞬时MCA闭塞90分钟。再灌注后,立即将胍丁胺(100mg / kg)或生理盐水腹膜内注射到胍丁胺处理组(n = 17)或对照组。再灌注后进行MR成像[6]。小鼠:用一系列亚有效剂量的氟西汀(1,2.5和5 mg / kg,po;选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂),丙咪嗪(0.01,0.05和0.1 mg / kg,po;三环)预处理小鼠。抗抑郁药),安非他酮(0.1,0.5和1 mg / kg,po;对去甲肾上腺素能再摄取具有微妙活性的多巴胺再摄取抑制剂),或MK-801(0.0001,0.0005和0.001 mg / kg,po;非竞争性NMDA受体拮抗剂)并立即之后,给予亚有效剂量的胍丁胺(0.0001mg / kg口服)或赋形剂。 60分钟后,对动物进行行为测试[7]。
数据来源文献 [1]. Li G, et al. Agmatine: an endogenous clonidine-displacing substance in the brain. Science. 1994 Feb 18;263(5149):966-9.

[2]. Reis DJ, et al. Is agmatine a novel neurotransmitter in brain? Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2000 May;21(5):187-93.

[3]. Galea E, et al. Inhibition of mammalian nitric oxide synthases by agmatine, an endogenouspolyamine formed by decarboxylation of arginine. Biochem J. 1996 May 15;316 ( Pt 1):247-9.

[4]. Morrissey JJ, et al. Agmatine activation of nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells. Proc Assoc Am Physicians. 1997 Jan;109(1):51-7.

[5]. Zomkowski AD, et al. Agmatine produces antidepressant-like effects in two models of depression in mice. Neuroreport. 2002 Mar 25;13(4):387-91.

[6]. Ahn SS, et al. Effects of agmatine on blood-brain barrier stabilization assessed by permeability MRI in a rat model of transient cerebral ischemia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2015 Feb;36(2):283-8.

[7]. Neis VB, et al. Agmatine enhances antidepressant potency of MK-801 and conventional antidepressants in mice. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2015 Mar;130:9-14

规格 100mg

在多个靶点上发挥调节作用,如神经递质系统,离子通道,一氧化氮合成。它是 imidazoline receptor 的内源性激动剂和 NO synthase 抑制剂。